Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Sexy comments for PHP and JS
Ivan Castellanos
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php, comments, comment, javascript
PHP Data Validation & Sanitization
Ulrich Kautz
0 responses
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Adding a filter in laravel to check post size
0 responses
php, laravel, filter, post_size
Preserving english urls on Drupal 7 multilingual node save
Bryan Trudel
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php, locale, drupal i18n, node
Organise you CodeIgniter setup
Gustav Westling
1 response
php, codeigniter, ci
writing code for slim framework in lisp
francesco agati
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php, slim, lisp
How Facebook organizes its XHP code
Nathan Malcolm
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php, security, open source, xhp
How to capture user input using STDIN in PHP CLI
Matt Helm
0 responses
php, shell
Check if a request is an AJAX request in one line
Daniel Melzer
1 response
php, ajax, header
Using the gelf logging handler in Symfony 2.0.x
Martin Parsiegla
0 responses
php, symfony2, gelf, monolog
A Database Factory for PHP Unit Tests
Francesco Tassi
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php, tdd, bdd, xunit
A Complete LAMP Server in Fedora 20
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Symfony2 get Profile and QueryCount
Gonçalo Margalho
0 responses
php, profiler, symfony2
PHP's Hello World!
Jean Oliveira Rodrigues
3 responses
php, hello world, dummies
nginx for php
Hai Yan Wang
1 response
php, nginx
Format a timestamp as time ago in Drupal
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, drupal, format, date
PHP DBA Cache Monitor
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, cache, gui
Core principles to make performant PHP applications
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, performance, programming
Object Calisthenics
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, coding, standard, challenge
Create module with Symfony
Yesi D
0 responses
php, symfony
Prettify print_r output
Montana Flynn
0 responses
php, debug, helper, function