Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Running the Gitlab Resque worker on Ubuntu startup
Attila Györffy
0 responses
resque, gitlab, foreman, ubuntu
Updating and Upgrading packages on Ubuntu in a single shell script.
Akapo Damilola Francis
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, vilgax321
Coloring and retain your terminal 'man' output
Rob Jens
0 responses
linux, x11, virtual terminal, man pages
Problems with Tunnelblick on Mountain Lion?
Łukasz Sągol
0 responses
osx, mac, lion, zgryw
Install Qt 5.2 on Ubuntu Linux
Fabian Delgado
0 responses
linux, qt, ubuntu, qt5.2
Installing dm-postgres-adapater with PostgreSQL 9.3 on Ubuntu
Leandro Guida
0 responses
ruby, adapter, ubuntu, postgresql
How to install Ansible on SLES 11 SP3
0 responses
ansible, sles, suse, linux
Cocoa Pods
Fernando Ribeiro
4 responses
mac, dependencies, cocoapods, ios
Run a Shell Script for the Duration in Unix
James Martin
0 responses
shell, unix, date, linux
Integrate AppCode and Kaleidoscope
Rob Pearson
0 responses
diff, merge, osx, mac
Fix heartbleed - Update debian openssl version with ansible
Sarah Zelechoski
0 responses
openssl, debian, ansible, heartbleed
Disable sleep mode on Mountain Lion
Tobias T—
0 responses
mac, os x, sleep, mountain lion
Toggle OS X Dark Mode using Javascript
Anand Gupta
0 responses
osx, mac, automation, yosemite
Save a HUGE bandwidth cost in WordPress by automatically serving media contents from
Hasin Hayder
0 responses
php, linux, trick, tips
Run Multiple Skype instances
1 response
tip, skype, windows
Poor man's media server or how to transcode and stream your videos on-the-fly from your mac to your ios device
Víctor Martínez
2 responses
ruby, mac, video, streaming
Redirect output to file in append mode
Carlos Guedes
0 responses
command line, output, redirect, append
Install ImageMagick + Os X + Intel Compiler + OpenMP
Michael Bacci
0 responses
os x, imagemagick, openmp, intel compiler
Special $ (dollar) shell variables
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
The Pasteboard & the Command line (Mac OS X)
Thomas Kober
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
Search your *nix command history
Kevin Liu
0 responses
cli, linux, unix
ack! is better than grep
Enno Rehling
0 responses
grep, search, coding, utility
cap command to install, start, restart , stop elasticsearch in ubuntu server
0 responses
cap, elasticsearch, task, ubuntu
slurm - network load monitor
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
linux, network, debian, monitor