Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Start MacVim in fullscreen
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
vim, mac, macvim
OS X + Core OS + Docker
Paul Guelpa
1 response
os x, vagrant, core os, docker
Simple Todo-Managing Shell Scripts
0 responses
linux, bash, shellscripts
Arch User Repository (AUR) from command line
Luiz Branco
0 responses
haskell, arch linux, linux
From MacPorts to Homebrew
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
gem, mac, os x, rvm
Setting chrome as the default in LMDE (cinnamon)
Hatem Nassrat
1 response
linux, debian, linux mint, cinnamon
Linux Basic
0 responses
linux, unix, bash, lpic
Get an email whenever 'sudo' is run on production
Chris Bumgardner
0 responses
linux, sudo, email, devops
Installing Chef Server and Client on Debian
Christian Schramm
0 responses
server, chef, knife, debian
Create dynamic virtual hosts with Apache2
0 responses
php, linux, apache2, vhosts
Sublime Text 2 $PATH nvm and Linux
Vincent Voyer
0 responses
sublime text, linux, nvm, .xsessionrc
Resque on Windows
Brian Krygsman
3 responses
ruby, resque, windows, vegas
Map the Search key to Caps Lock in crouton
0 responses
linux, caps lock, ubuntu, chromebook
Vagrant Precise Pangolin 12.04 64-bit Box Setup
0 responses
vagrant, ubuntu
Resolve SSHFS speed issues with Mac OS X
Chris Vandebroek
0 responses
macosx, ssh, vpn, sshfs
Run Dropbox on shutdown with bash script - Ubuntu
Ivan Đurđevac
0 responses
shell, linux, dropbox, cloud
Dockerfile golang example
Stephane Paul
0 responses
golang, ubuntu, dockerfile, docker
How to generate a random email signature image.
0 responses
shell, link, email, image
simple git auto-pull
Yuri Tkachenko
1 response
watch, server, pull, git
Get rid of the annoying Azure Emulator ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED errors
Pure Krome
0 responses
azure, windows, internet-settings, azure-emulator
Khurshid Alam
0 responses
script, linux, ubuntu, bash
Backup/Restore Redis databases
Abdelkader Boudih
0 responses
redis, backup, debian
Copy lorem ipsum text to clipboard via shell
James Cuzella
3 responses
shell, alias, linux, clipboard
apt-get update before any package installs
Markus Herzog
1 response
puppet, vagrant, debian, ubuntu
Spotlight from the OS X Commandline
Bob Williams
0 responses
osx, mac, commandline, mdfind