Popular Macvim Programming Tips
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
7 responses
vim, macvim, iterm, powerline
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
5 responses
ruby, python, vim, editor
enable vim with lua support
0 responses
lua, vim, macvim
Setup Powerline for Vim/MacVim in OSX 10.9.1
Djamel Eddine Feddad
2 responses
vim, macvim, powerline, osx 10.9.1
tmux 1.8 + vim/MacVim: easy OSX clipboard integration
Sharipov Ruslan
0 responses
osx, vim, tmux, macvim
Compile command-t vim plugin with homebrew and macvim
Hector Garcia
2 responses
ruby, osx, vim, homebrew
VIM's Command Line Window. And Search Window.
Juan C. Muller
0 responses
vim, development, vi, macvim
My MacVim customization package, enjoy!
Ferran Poveda
0 responses
vim, editor, code, dev
Start MacVim in fullscreen
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
vim, mac, macvim
Vim: resplit after window size change
Dmitry Medvinsky
0 responses
vim, gvim, macvim
Vim Spellchecking for Markdown Files
Dan Knox
0 responses
vim, macvim
Disable beeping and flashing in vim/macvim
0 responses
vim, macvim, disable, beeping
Get Vim to Surround Lines
Guillaume VanderEst
0 responses
vim, regular expression, replace, tag
Firefox: MacVim or SublimeText as external Source View editor.
Sharipov Ruslan
0 responses
firefox, sublime, vim, sublime-text
Ever wanted to try Vim?
Emil Ahlbäck
0 responses
vim, editor, productivity, textmate
Displaying all 17 tips
Recent Activity
Disable beeping and flashing in vim/macvim
vim, macvim, disable, beeping
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
vim, macvim, iterm, powerline
Setup Powerline for Vim/MacVim in OSX 10.9.1
Djamel Eddine Feddad
vim, macvim, powerline, osx 10.9.1
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
ruby, python, vim, editor
Compile command-t vim plugin with homebrew and macvim
Hector Garcia
ruby, osx, vim, homebrew
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