Popular Iterm Programming Tips
Use ⌥ ← and ⌥→ to jump forwards / backwards words in iTerm 2, on OS X
Edward Robinson
46 responses
terminal, os x, iterm, iterm2
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
7 responses
vim, macvim, iterm, powerline
Word/Line deletion and navigation shortcuts in iTerm2
Levi Tan Ong
7 responses
keyboard, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, iterm
Split window with iTerm 2
Sean Yang
3 responses
shell, mac, iterm
zsh + iTerm2 OSX shortcuts
Tymon Tobolski
1 response
shell, zsh, osx, shortcut
Quickly open files in iTerm with Cmd+Click
Piotr Jakubowski
4 responses
productivity, iterm, keyboard-shortcuts
Open up iterm2 splits in current working directory
1 response
btipling, mac os x, iterm, iterm2
Keybindings for MacOSX users on iTerm2
Willy Barro
5 responses
macosx, cursor, iterm, option delete
rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
1 response
ruby, shell, zsh, mac
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
2 responses
terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
Show directory and git branch in iTerm tabs
Martin Svalin
4 responses
iterm, git, bash
Vim-Slime + iTerm2
Junior Ales
3 responses
vim, macosx, mac, iterm
Open folder in iTerm
2 responses
shell, osx, iterm, automator
Quickly open files in iTerm with RubyMine on MacOS
Anton Katunin
1 response
terminal, iterm, rubymine, open path
Hide iTerm2 from OS X’s dock
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
console, terminal, osx, dropdown
Pimp your bash with menu-completion
0 responses
iterm, iterm2, bash, inputrc
iTerm2: Open Text File Paths in Sublime Text with Jump to Line Number
James Cuzella
0 responses
osx, sublime text, iterm, terminal
SSH to many hosts and broadcast input with iTerm
Joseph Randall Hunt
0 responses
ssh, applescript, iterm
Close all terminal tabs except the current one (iTerm2 et al.)
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, iterm
iTerm automation with AppleScript and Bash
Jason Rogers
0 responses
applescript, iterm, bash
Setting my iTerm2
Daniel Kosalla
2 responses
shell, terminal, mac, dotfiles
alt+arrow keys produce [C [D
James D
2 responses
irb, iterm
Rerun your last terminal command
Mark Anthony Gibbins
2 responses
shell, terminal, iterm
Click on stack trace to open a file with NeoVim
Luca Guidi
0 responses
iterm, shell, neovim, vim
Change iTerm2 profile from the terminal
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
vim, iterm, iterm2, bash
Recent Activity
iTerm2: Open Text File Paths in Sublime Text with Jump to Line Number
James Cuzella
osx, sublime text, iterm, terminal
Click on stack trace to open a file with NeoVim
Luca Guidi
iterm, shell, neovim, vim
Change iTerm2 profile from the terminal
Wojtek Kruszewski
vim, iterm, iterm2, bash
iTerm Colors Settings | bold text has no color / is in shades of grey
Shashank Mehta
shell, zsh, colors, solarized
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
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