Last Updated: June 02, 2016
· ochko

Open folder in iTerm

On OS X there is already an option for opening a folder in Finder with But If you prefer iTerm like me, here is Automator script for opening folder in iTerm.

In Automator: Services -> folders in -> Run Applescript, paste this script and save as Open in iTerm

on run {input, parameters}
end run

on cd(dir)
    tell application "iTerm"
        set miniaturized of windows to false
            set iterm to the last terminal
        on error
            set iterm to (make new terminal)
        end try
        tell iterm
            launch session "Default"
            tell the last session
                write text "cd " & (quoted form of POSIX path of (dir as string)) & " && clear && ls -l"
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
end cd


2 Responses
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I use xtrafinder ( to have these options :)

over 1 year ago ·

If you want to open in first session of iTerm change
launch session "Default" tell the last session
tell the first session

over 1 year ago ·