I have come here to chew bubblegum, and build software. And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Joined December 2011
Change iTerm2 profile from the terminal
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
vim, iterm, iterm2, bash
Reload Chrome tab with a global shortcut
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
chrome, apple-script
Make git ask for confirmation before pushing to production repo
Wojtek Kruszewski
1 response
tags, comma separated
User migration helpers outside migrations
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
activerecord, rails, console, migrations
Skip AR callbacks
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
activerecord, rails, callbacks, wojt-eu
Quickly access source of a gem in Vim
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
ruby, bundler, vim, wojt-eu
Delete whole words with ⌘+Backspace in iTerm2 on Mac
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
terminal, os x, iterm2, wojt-eu
Display error pages content with PJAX
Wojtek Kruszewski
1 response
validation, error, pjax, wojt-eu
Disable Turblinks every X requests
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
tool, pjax, turbolinks, wojt-eu
Remove all tables in Postgres
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
postgresql, wojt-eu
Set a custom motivational message as your alarm
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
motivation, life hack, wojt-eu
Raise an exception if jQuery query matches no elements
Wojtek Kruszewski
1 response
dom, jquery, wojt-eu
Find non-ascii characters in a directory
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
ruby, grep, ascii, utf8
Reusing SQL logic in Rails models
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
rails, activerecord, wojt-eu
187 Karma
16,051 Total ProTip Views

Attended the 2012 Railsberry conference.

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need