Last Updated: July 25, 2019
· 534n

Split window with iTerm 2

I know there must be a load of people here using Mac, and for those who use iTerm 2 as their console applications, here is a good feature that I personally find very useful.

If you already know about this, great! If not, here you go:

cmd+D splits the window horizontally


cmd+shift+D splits the window vertically, and of course, you can mix them up too :)

Now, you can have your compass watch up in a corner where you can always see, mean while have another for grep if you need to search for something... in my case, I may have another one runs Meteor/Mrt, etc.

Just to save some hassle back and forth between tabs or multiple iterm instances ;)

3 Responses
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iterm2 <3 but we need some more really funky tips. thanks for sharing.

over 1 year ago ·

Sure, haha, I know this one is pretty plain, but it really helped me when I found out about it so thought I might as well share it. I will work out more funky ones :)

over 1 year ago ·

I've only just started to use iTerm2 and it's already saving me an unbelievable amount of time. Gotta love the hotkey "drop-down" window! Now with this funky tip, I can pack more into a single glance.

over 1 year ago ·