Popular Design Programming Tips
Simple way to check css3 degradation
Peter Thomas
0 responses
css3, prototyping, design, bookmarklet
sass: use media query helpers
0 responses
css, responsive, mobile, sass
Vote for coderwall Font Awesome Icon
Tobias Trelle
3 responses
css, icon, design, font awesome
Prototyping for Bootstrap
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
css, html, bootstrap, design
Transparency in Moqups
Nick Price
0 responses
mockup, design, mockups
Disabled effect on image in GIMP
Mykhailo Kozik
0 responses
design, gimp
Avoid the word "and" in your method names
Austin Keeley
2 responses
code, design, interfaces, code smell
Personal Web
Patricia Diez Torrubia
1 response
web, design, photo
Quick-Format your code in Visual Studio
Mark Hagan
0 responses
vb.net, code, design, format
LESS functions for CSS3 image filters
Seth Meranda
0 responses
css, design, less
Android Design Tips
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, design
Responsive design breakpoints
Leo Cavalcante
0 responses
responsive, css3, ui, ux
Sweet Color Scheme for Sublime
The Z Man
0 responses
sublime text, design
Set of Free High-DPI WordPress Post Format Icons [Retina]
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
design, webdesignpop, wordpress
Create CSS3 styles in your browser as you might create layer styles in Photoshop
Kerrick Long
0 responses
photoshop, css3, web app, design
CSS Stripey Backgrounds Made Easy
Matt Johnson
0 responses
css3, backgrounds, design
Font Awesome
Andy Lin
3 responses
css, design, fonts
Pretty smart things you can do with smart objects
Gavin McFarland
0 responses
photoshop, ui, design
The all new Myspace
Tim Pietrusky
3 responses
ux, design, ui
From idea to in-game character
0 responses
design, point and click adventures, game development, java
Vote: Saving Protips
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
php, shell, mysql, css
Gonçalo Morais
1 response
code, design, fuck, fuckyourdesign
Randomly assign colors to different sections of your layout
Smit Dey
1 response
jquery, layout, design, wireframe
CSS with variables, without precompilation
Alexander Brevig
0 responses
css, design, javascript, less
My Home Space :P
Subvice aka Chris McJannet
0 responses
art, design, computer, digital