Vote: Saving Protips
There are good protips, then there are really good protips (ex: 1, 2, 3, 4). I often find protips that I like, but can't (test | use | read) right at that moment so I end up having to search for them later. This is really annoying, as it would be much easier to just be able to save them in a "saved protips" section that is attached to the account. I doubt I am the only one to want this, thus this protip was born.
Voting is simple, upvote for yes and comment "-1" for no
Obviously other comments/suggestions are also welcome =)
I am not fond of having bookmarks because of cross browser sync issues, not to mention when I am using a friends or public computers.
Written by Nicholas Jordon
Related protips
2 Responses

Or contact Coderwall team and request them to implement a "down vote" button. I did this a while back, but I guess they will make it a priority if many requests are coming.

Why do you not like upvoting the tip and then finding it again later in your liked tips? To me this is essentially what you are asking for, no?