Newest Vim Programming Tips
My .vimrc
0 responses
Open Vim: Learn Vim in Interactive Mode
Widy Graycloud
0 responses
vim, tuts
Open all unstaged and untracked source files in vim tabs
0 responses
shell, vim, awk, git
iTerm2 and Ruby/Rails/Rspec
Vlad Shvedov
2 responses
ruby, rails, vim, iterm2
Vi mode in Sublime Text
Widy Graycloud
1 response
vim, editor, text, tuts
Vim Mappings for a Ruby Style Guide
Dan Croak
0 responses
ruby, vim
vim Plugin For Puppet Scripts
Ivan Sim
0 responses
puppet, vim, linux, ivanhcsim
High-Value Shell Aliasing
Dan Croak
10 responses
vim, unix, git
Faster and Smarter Editing with `e`
Édouard Lopez
0 responses
shell, nano, emacs, vim
Vim and SystemVerilog
Parviz Palangpour
3 responses
vim, ctags, systemverilog, uvm
Quickly access source of a gem in Vim
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
ruby, bundler, vim, wojt-eu
Compile command-t vim plugin with homebrew and macvim
Hector Garcia
2 responses
ruby, osx, vim, homebrew
Xcode + VIM = ❤️
Christian Sampaio
0 responses
cocoa, ios, xcode, vim
show file name in Vim
0 responses
ternjs - editor agnostic javascript tooling
Evan Dale Aromin
0 responses
javascript, python, emacs, vim
Comment lines in Vim
Sandro Meier
2 responses
vim, comment, uncomment
remap caps-lock to escape in ubuntu 13.10
Sven Eigenbrodt
0 responses
vim, ubuntu, keymap
Text Editing - Keybindings
Evan Dale Aromin
0 responses
emacs, vim, text-editors
Use your own vimrc when using sudo
6 responses
vim, sudo
new to vim
1 response