Popular Sys Admin Programming Tips
Reset a lost password on an Ubuntu VM
Matt Gauger
7 responses
linux, sysadmin, vmware, ubuntu
How to name your servers
Julian Diaz
24 responses
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DRBD & mkfs: Wrong medium type while trying to determine filesystem size
1 response
linux, sysadmin, file system, storage
Moving favorites from sequel pro ? Don't read the manual if you are using the last Sequel pro version
5 responses
mysql, app, server, sysadmin
MOTDs on Amazon AMIs
4 responses
ec2, sysadmin, motd, amazon ami
Send logwatch emails through msmtp
Luis Uribe
0 responses
sysadmin, logwatch, msmtp
GNU Make Tips & Tricks
Hatem Nassrat
1 response
python, linux, make, tricks
Using host for DNS lookups
Nate Underwood
0 responses
linux, unix, sysadmin, macos
Getting system user or group ids by their names with Ruby
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
ruby, linux, unix, sysadmin
Checking memory usage under Linux
Matt Willsher
2 responses
memory, sysadmin, linux
DNS propagation checker
James Barnett
0 responses
sysadmin, devops, dns
Create a new swap file on Linux
Russ Lankenau
0 responses
linux, sysadmin
selectively compress a bunch of files
Ali Asad Lotia
0 responses
utilities, sysadmin, devops, pipes
Installing Node.js in Ubuntu in 10 simple Steps
Allan MacGregor
0 responses
nodejs, linux, sysadmin, ubuntu
Update /etc/hosts File Efficiently
Andrew Lee
0 responses
emacs, security, vim, sysadmin
What version of Debian am I running
Andrew Sledge
0 responses
sysadmin, debian
Monitoring your raspberry pi
Pedro Carriço
0 responses
ruby, gem, raspberrypi, monitoring
Selective filesystem remount
Ali Asad Lotia
1 response
shell, linux, sysadmin, devops
TCP Traceroute for when ICMP/UDP fail
Irakli Nadareishvili
0 responses
udp, linux, tips, sysadmin
Reverse SSH Tunnels - SSHing to a computer behind a closed network / firewall
Udi M.
0 responses
ssh, sysadmin, servers
Get a list of packages installed via RPM
James Barnett
0 responses
linux, sysadmin, devops, redhat
Get emails when your cronjob has an error
Phil Freo
0 responses
email, sysadmin, cron, error
Fix bash shellshock bug in two steps (Ubuntu)
Cristóbal Castillo
0 responses
sysadmin, linux, ubuntu, bash
OSX security basics
Carlos Sanz García
0 responses
osx, sysadmin, root, security basics
Trying to reverse ingeniering a snowflake?
Santiago Gil
0 responses
puppet, chef, sysadmin, devops