Newest Security Programming Tips
Bringing Your (Encryption) Keys to Multi/Hybrid Clouds
Michael Laccetti
0 responses
aws, heroku, vault, security
Censor credentials in bash history
0 responses
bash, go, security
Mask email for public viewing as user identifier.
Saurabh Kumar
0 responses
python, security, privacy, email
Build a ShareASale Proxy with Slim PHP Framework
1 response
php, shareasale, proxy, slim
simple_form: Dynamically disabled inputs based on Pundit policy
0 responses
rails, authorisation, security, pundit
Brute force protection in PHP
Arnold Daniels
3 responses
php, security
ssh into a secured host through a jump server and forward ports
Lars Van Casteren
0 responses
ssh, tunnel, security
AWS S3 Static Hosting
Lars Van Casteren
0 responses
aws, s3, security
Instalación de NGINX
Hugo Gilmar Erazo
0 responses
nginx, debian, security
Cómo proteger una ruta con autenticación básica en Apache
Hugo Gilmar Erazo
0 responses
apache web server, auth basic, security, apache
fail2ban block log-in attempts wp-auth
0 responses
wp, wordpress, server ops, fail2ban
Redirect authenticated user on anonymous pages in Symfony
Zdeněk Drahoš
1 response
php, symfony, security, event listener
Automagic securing with HTTPS Connection
0 responses
security, https, chef, webserver
Save bash history in syslog on CentOS
0 responses
security, linux, bash, syslog
A list of web application security
Daniel Romero
0 responses
web, security, hacking, pentest
"Oops, I pushed a commit with something sensitive to a public GitHub project!"
Shakeel Mohamed
1 response
security, git, credentials, accident
What is XSS and how did it affect WordPress?
Tom Schuermans
0 responses
php, xss, security, wordpress
How to reload your User after changes in Symfony2
Joeri Timmermans
0 responses
security, session, users, symfony
Scan For Rootkit & Malware on Linux
Azri Jamil
0 responses
hack, security, scan, malware
Use PHP's native Filter and Validation functions!
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
php, security
CodeIgniter and Hashing
0 responses
php, security, codeigniter, hashing
Storing API secret tokens (as a provider)
Laurent Perrin
0 responses
security, api, secret
Install shellshock patched bash from source
Montana Flynn
0 responses
shell, security, linux, bash
Understanding the Shellshock Vulnerability
0 responses
security, bash, shellshock
Rooting and Pwning your Android
0 responses
android, security, linux, root