Last Updated: August 15, 2019
· shakeelmohamed

"Oops, I pushed a commit with something sensitive to a public GitHub project!"

So you accidentally pushed a commit with some credentials. Shame on you.

Here's a potential solution:

  1. Make the GitHub repository private
  2. Rename the repository, maybe just append "-backup"
  3. Make a note of the offending commits
  4. Run git fetch --all
  5. Create a new GitHub repo with the same name, this will break the automatic aliasing GitHub does when you rename a repo
  6. Do all kinds of rebase and/or filter-branch locally to make sure the credentials don't exist at any commit. This might take a while if you have to rebase more than a few commits.
  7. Run git garbage collection: git gc --aggressive
  8. Make sure none of the offending SHAs exist, you can just grep inside the .git directory of your local repo.
  9. Run git push --all -f to push all the branches, assuming you've already fetched them in step 4.


Preventing this in the future

  • Tell the person who made the commit the consequences of what just happened.
  • More importantly, try to figure out why it happened, maybe they were under a tight deadline and got a bit sloppy - it happens to the best of us.
  • Try to store credentials in environment variables, config files that are added to your .gitignore, or any way you can keep them out of your code.


1 Response
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True, that's another option :)

over 1 year ago ·