Popular Sass Programming Tips
Add a list of emoticons
0 responses
Active sass debug info with middleman
Victor Ortiz
1 response
sass, compass, firebug, middleman
Change the refresh delay for Guard LiveReload
Jon Thomas
0 responses
guard, livereload, sass
Easy @media queries with Sass, Compass and compass-respond
Mike Stenhouse
0 responses
css, sass, compass
How to create Octopress design theme
0 responses
scss, sass
Screw @mixin, use @extend!
Håkon Ellingsen
3 responses
css, sass, html
A fluid responsive checkerboard with CSS media queries
Guido Bouman
0 responses
css, responsive, css3, sass
Highlighting SASS in Sublime Text
Laurent Perrin
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sublime, sass
Simple tooltip with fixed width using SASS
Peony Gerochi
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html, css3, sass
Responsive, semantic markup using Twitter Bootstrap and Sass/SCSS
Wei-Meng Lee
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responsive, sass, scss, bootstrap
Font Face Generator
Michael Turnwall
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css, sass, mixin, font-face
Poor Man's nth-child for LT IE 9
Matt Stow
0 responses
css, mixin, nth-child, sass
A @mixin for retina images in sass
Fabio Marasco
0 responses
sass, retina, mixin, media
Compass URL helpers
Matt Hernandez
2 responses
css, sass, compass
Sass Sleuth Setup
Christian Boyle
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sass, sass sleuth
Sprites with SASS/COMPASS in Rails projects
Eduardo Zaghi
0 responses
rails, sass, compass, sprite
SASS Border Shorthand Mixin
Kevin Thompson
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sass, mixin
Sass Mixin for Carets/arrows
Tessa Thornton
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sass, css
Compass/Sass Icon Font Helper
Dennis Gaebel
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sass, compass, icon fonts, fonts_dir
Sass retina image mixin
Scott Greenwald
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css, rails, sass
Easier BEM Modifiers with Sass
sascha fuchs
2 responses
css, bem, html, sass
Simple Responsive Grid With SCSS
Tim Hartmann
0 responses
css, sass, scss, mixin
Integrate font-awesome with yeoman project for sass
2 responses
yeoman, sass, font-awesome
CSS Color management with SASS
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
css, scss, color management, sass