Front-end developer & UI/UX Designer • Fitness enthusiast • Herbivore • Gamer • Animal rights • Snowboarder
Joined October 2012
How I decided to do SQL Joins in Sails.js
Peony Gerochi
0 responses
postgres, javascript, nodejs, sailsjs
Swap text to the top using jquery
Peony Gerochi
0 responses
css, html, text, append
Easy Accordion in JQUERY
Peony Gerochi
3 responses
jquery, css3, html5
Simple tooltip with fixed width using SASS
Peony Gerochi
0 responses
html, css3, sass
CSS3 Fadein/Fadeout Hover vs Jquery Fadein/Fadeout Hover
Peony Gerochi
4 responses
css3, jquery, fadein, hover
276 Karma
24,190 Total ProTip Views

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language