Popular Rubymotion Programming Tips
RubyMotion + Reveal
0 responses
ruby, reveal, ios, rubymotion
Dockless RubyMotion menubar app with start at login
Jonas Bruun Nielsen
2 responses
app sandbox, rubymotion
Using UIScrollView and UIPageControl in RubyMotion
Jaryl Sim
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ios, uiscrollview, uipagecontrol, rubymotion
RubyMotion custom fonts
0 responses
ruby, ios, ruby motion, ios custom fonts
RubyMotion and Delegation
Steven Nunez
0 responses
ruby, delegates, rubymotion
`no identity found` when trying to "rake device"
2 responses
ios, rubymotion
Brian Gesiak
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ios, xcode, objective-c, rubymotion
Testing the presence of a UIAlertView in RubyMotion on iOS7
Jaune Sarmiento
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tdd, ios7, uialertview. ios, macbacon
RubyMotion review (Ruby for iOS)
Matt Aimonetti
0 responses
ruby, objective-c, ios, rubymotion
Globally set Status Bar Style in iOS 7 with RubyMotion
4 responses
ios7, rubymotion
Using MapBox with RubyMotion and CocoaPods
0 responses
ruby, cocoapods, rakefile, helmwind
RubyMotion & Interface Builder
Ray Hightower
0 responses
ruby, xcode, interface builder, objective-c
Create rubymotion app version from git hash
Clayton McIlrath
1 response
ruby, macruby, motion, rubymotion
Rubymotion set iOS version and Retina
Faizaan Shamsi
0 responses
ruby, ios, rubymotion
Change transition between UIViewControllers
0 responses
ruby, ios, uiviewcontroller, helmwind
ProMotion Library for RubyMotion
Matt Brewer
1 response
ruby, rubymotion
Using BubbleWrap.require
James Harton
0 responses
ruby, ios, bubblewrap, rubymotion
How to reduce iOS development time
Gavin Morrice
0 responses
ruby, ios, rubymotion
Add/Remove image from view in Rubymotion
Gourav Tiwari
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Easy MD5/SHA1 Hashes in RubyMotion
Tom Milewski
0 responses
ruby, hash, ios, digest
Load order of dependencies in RubyMotion
Rod Wilhelmy
2 responses
rakefile, rubymotion
Retrieving and using Heroku API keys in RubyMotion
Tom Milewski
0 responses
ruby, heroku, api, bubblewrap