Last Updated: November 09, 2018
· diogoandre

RubyMotion + Reveal

Be sure check the updates at the end of this post

The Beta went public today. It looks awesome and you want to use it right away. The app comes with very clear instructions on how to use it with an Xcode based iOS app, but how to use with with Rubymotion ?

Well, its actually quite simple!

You mostly have to follow what the RubyMotion and the Reveal documentation says...

  • Symlink the Reveal framework to your vendor directory - create one in your app root dir if not there yet
cd vendor
ln -s /Applications/
  • Add the framework to your Rakefile
app.vendor_project('vendor/Reveal.framework', :static, :products => ['Reveal'])
  • Reveal depends on CFNetwork and QuartzCore, so go ahead and also add those to the Rakefile
app.frameworks << 'CFNetwork'
app.frameworks << 'QuartzCore'

That's it! Run rake and switch to Reveal, you should see your app name in the drop down located at the top left corner.

Update: I've made a little gem to make the integration even easier: motion-reveal

Update 2: Reveal has hit version 1.0 and is now out of beta, and the little Gem I wrote still works as expected. If you already use CocoaPods you may prefer the official pod instead. Mark Rickert wrote a good blog post detailing how to connect Reveal with your RubyMotion app via a pod.
