Popular Ruby Programming Tips
DRY up controllers when using acts_as_api - custom rails responder
Tymon Tobolski
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ruby, rails, api, dry
Track down source code with Kernel#method
Joey B
1 response
ruby, kernel#method, meta-programming
Anton Kalyaev
1 response
ruby, activerecord, validation, forms
Ruby HL7 Listener
Justin Richter
0 responses
ruby, hl7, code snippet, tcpserver
Moped/Mongoid 3 Instrumentation for Rails 3
Arkadiusz Buras
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ruby, mongodb, mongoid
Podfile ruby syntax highlight in vim
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
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Git Tagging Deployments
0 responses
ruby, capistrano, deploy, deployment
Renewing SSL Certificates in RVM
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, shell, osx, rvm
Navigate ruby source without an IDE
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
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ruby, rails, editor, code
Activate HTML Elements Like a Boss in Ruby with Activated UI
Matthew Spence
0 responses
ruby, rails, ui, views
FizzBuzz question
Richard Lau
2 responses
Keep your gemsets clean
Aaron Jensen
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rvm, gemset
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
1 response
ruby, rails, linux, deployment
3 things to make a static Sinatra App and upload to Heroku
Juan Pujol
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ruby, heroku, sinatra
Speed up Travis CI builds by caching the bundle to S3
Matias Korhonen
2 responses
ruby, bundler, k33l0r, ci
Ruby - Module Attribute Accessors and Defaults
Ivo Jesus
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ruby, module, attribute, accessors
Set Default Ruby Version Per Project
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
ruby, rails, rvm, tips
Getting into Ruby on Rails?
Avner Cohen
3 responses
ruby, rails, html, javascript
Use a default Schema with the activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter gem
Ralph Rooding
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ruby, rails, oracle, schema
Devise Gem Multiple Role View Editing
Richard Lau
0 responses
ruby, rails, gem, devise
How to Find and Delete Orphaned Records with Ruby on Rails
Anton Zolotov
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, sql
Cucumber & Repetitive Scenarios
Sean Todd
0 responses
ruby, cucumber, testing, scenario outline
Create Bootstrap Elements Programmatically with Backbone
Chris Woodford
0 responses
ruby, coffeescript, rails, bootstrap
Rails TDD: Stub a model class method before require
0 responses
ruby, rails