Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Prefer %w to [] when you need an array of strings
Said A
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ruby, syntax, best-practices
Instalación de RVM en OS X 10.8.2
Francisco Granados
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ruby, rvm, mac os x
Run a webserver with one line of Ruby (2)
Erick Vanegas
2 responses
ruby, server
Don't mix comparison (==) with assignment (=)
Eldad Fux
1 response
ruby, php, .net, nodejs
Concurrency With Ruby : Resouces
Jai-gouk Kim
0 responses
ruby, concurrency
The English doc of ThinReports is now almost ready!
Katsuya Hidaka
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ruby, pdf, thinreports, report
Build an iOS application with Ruby and Rubymotion
Mario Alberto Chavez
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ruby, rubymotion
Different indentation per filetype using vim
Orlando Del Aguila
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javascript, ruby, vim, vimrc
ObjectSpace in Ruby
Kevin Curtin
0 responses
ruby, objects, enumerable
Search email message by title
Alex Lushpai
0 responses
ruby, snippet, regexp
Remove all your Ruby gems "like a baws"...
Wouter Martens
1 response
ruby, gem, commandline, remove
Rspec: what context and describe are for
Steven Shingler
0 responses
ruby, rspec
Padrino - rspec - adding dynamic code to all controllers during testing
Max Schubert
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ruby, rspec, padrino
Easily Manage Ruby / RVM on OS X
Michael Dominick
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ruby, rvm
surpress result output in irb
Jason Stillwell
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ruby, irb
Installer ruby 2.0.0 sur OS X Mavericks
Jeremy Bertrand
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ruby, os x, rbenv, 10.9
helper in console
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ruby, rails
Easy ruby profiling (oneliner)
Alex G
0 responses
ruby, ruby-prof
Run feature specs after all other specs
Christian Nelson
1 response
ruby, rspec, capybara
Track app exception
Benoit Molenda
0 responses
ruby, rails, exceptions, engine
yosemite (OSX 10.10), postgresql, rubygem pg
josh bowles
0 responses
ruby, postgres, yosemite
RVM Shebang
Vikhyat Korrapati
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ruby, rvm, shebang