Popular R Uby Programming Tips
God for Process Monitoring
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, god, process monitoring
Demeter: It’s not just a good idea. It’s the law.
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
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Putting RSpec describe blocks in other blocks to keep DRY
Ben Burton
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ruby, rails, rspec
RubyMotion Provisioning Profiles
Ray Hightower
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Rails plugin Letter_Opener
Chris Radford
0 responses
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Check your GitHub account for out of date rails apps
Andrew Nesbitt
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Ruby vs Clojure: Get a List of DB Tables
Erick Brower
0 responses
ruby, clojure
Brakeman integration with deploy tools
Yuri Artemev
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ruby, shell, brakeman
A faster way to rake (with bundler)
2 responses
ruby, rails, bash
Catalin Ilinca
0 responses
ruby, rails, gem, rack
Rake Task to Drop All Databases in Rails App
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
rails, rake, databases
How to run Ruby GC after a memory expensive request with Unicorn
Estevão Mascarenhas
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ruby, performance, unicorn, gc
RVM 1.14.x and Capistrano
Pablo Formoso Estrada
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ruby, rvm, capistrano
Heroku assets not minified?
Jake Tollette
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Ghost Localhost server
Corey Trombley
2 responses
ruby, terminal, server, localhost
[Rubocop] Missing frozen string literal comment automatically fix
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, rubocop, code, style
update lyrics on iTunes from command line
Ankit Goyal
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ruby, gem, command line, itunes
Rails : model and migrate
Mariz Melo
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ruby, mvc, rails, sql
Unlocking game assignments in Ruby code
Michiel Sikkes
0 responses
ruby, game development, game mechanics, pseudocode
"Foo" == "Foo" != true (Non printing characters FTL)
David Kormushoff
0 responses
ruby, unicode, non-printing characters
Build system tests through user interactions with your app
Mike Piccolo
0 responses
ruby, rails, test, testing
Integrating Rails and ElasticSearch
Andrew Cholakian
0 responses
ruby, rails, elasticsearch
Ruby build deps for Debian
Félix Saparelli
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Run Arbitrary Tests in Rails
Jason Rogers
0 responses
ruby, rails, testing