Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Using Rspec's shared_examples to spec new behavior
Kamil Tusznio
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Ruby case ... when
Amit Kumar
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Fix building mysql2 native extension on OS X
Ruurd Pels
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Code coverage for your current git branch using simplecov
Andrew Nicholson
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Git hooks
Mattes Groeger
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be nice to your CI
Benjamin Knofe
1 response
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Modular vs Monolithic Software: No Holy Grails.
Pablo Astigarraga
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Environment Variables in your Rails App
Russ Smith
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ruby, rails, command line
Use bundle package before deployment
Benno van den Berg
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ruby, bundler
Forgiving ruby
Emad Elsaid
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Kill Rails Server
Trent Kocurek
1 response
ruby, rails, terminal
Deploying Rack with Thin
Fabrizio Soppelsa
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Missing Rails console in Sinatra?
Łukasz Sągol
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About jRuby 1.7.5 and Warbler
Félix Bellanger
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How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
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OmniAuth google oauth update
Thomas Riboulet
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Use urls as translation keys
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ruby, rails, url, i18n
Easy Rails app-wide settings
Emmanuel Turlay
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ruby, rails
Remove blanks, carriage return etc...
Benjamin Roth
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ruby, rails
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from GitHub to Heroku
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Working with Turbolinks and jQuery in Rails 4
Alexandra Mirtcheva
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ruby, rails4, turbolinks
rake db:test:prepare error + PostgreSQL + RSpec
Tu Hoang
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rails, rspec, postgresql, rake
Codetag - Become a Developer Legend
Fabio Rosado
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ruby, python, css, coding