Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Simple way to pair up
Alexander Tamoykin
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ruby, agile, pair programming, git
Dynamically proxy rails model scopes to trailblazer operations
0 responses
trailblazer, rails, ruby, scopes
Wisely pick your dates for specs
Jed Schneider
2 responses
ruby, rspec, tdd
so test me, maybe?
MJ Rossetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, terminal, cucumber
10 things I usually do after creating rails app on heroku
Marcin Naglik
2 responses
ruby, rails, heroku
Leveraging Subject in RSpec - A rough cut!
Karthik Sirasanagandla
0 responses
ruby, rails, rspec
Run all your tests individually
Martin Svalin
0 responses
ruby, tdd, minitest
Report rake (>=0.9) exceptions to NewRelic
Anton Katunin
0 responses
rails, exception, rake, newrelic
Run minitest tests from within emacs
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
ruby, rails, emacs, minitest
Allow all attributes to be changed by admins
David Somers
0 responses
ruby, rails, admin, attr_accesible
Easily determining ownership in Rails
Josh McMillan
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, ownership
Fail fast with RSpec
Maciej Ciemborowicz
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ruby, tdd, rdoc
Secure Rails Passwords in Models
Aurimas Niekis
0 responses
ruby, rails, password, bcrypt
Checking multiple elements for equality in Ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, array
Bundle exec cucumber
Melanie Archer
0 responses
ruby, cucumber
Ruby performance patch.
Tu Hoang
0 responses
ruby, performance, rvm
ruby 2.1 and minitest dependency
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
ruby, bundler, minitest
`rbenv install 2.0.0-p0` on OSX 10.7+ with outdated brew
Rod Wilhelmy
0 responses
ruby, brew, rbenv
Open Github/Bitbucket Page From Command Line
Philip Cunningham
0 responses
ruby, git, command line, mac
Ruby - Memoization proxy class
David Michael Nelson
0 responses
ruby, proxy, davidmn, cache
How to consume hotel.de API with ruby
0 responses
ruby, api, savon, hotel.de
Live Calculator + Math module using ruby and sinatra
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, math, sinatra
drop table by migration
0 responses
ruby, rails