Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Sending emails in the background with Iron
0 responses
ruby, iron, worker, docker
Ruby on Rails
Paulo Oliveira
3 responses
ruby, rails
Active Record, PostgreSQL and Sequence Naming
Robb Kidd
0 responses
ruby, postgresql, rails, activerrecord
"Her", an ORM for REST APIs
Spencer Williams
0 responses
ruby, rest, webservices
Parse a .rvmrc file using a Regex
Guillaume Hain
4 responses
regex, rvm
Helper which marks the current page as 'active' in bootstrap navbar
Lorenzo Masini
0 responses
ruby, rails, bootstrap
Default value of hash (with nice examples)
0 responses
ruby, trick, hash, array
Switch a ruby project to the 1.9 hash sytax
Enrique Vidal
2 responses
ruby, perl, bash
Evite links compostos por objetos em Rails
Stefano Diem Benatti
0 responses
ruby, rails, query optimization
Upgrade to Ruby, Homebrew with Xcode 4.3
Pedro Sousa
0 responses
ruby, xcode, homebrew
Gemfile: Better Errors
Scott Cooper
2 responses
ruby, rails, gem, gemfile
Enhance your terminal prompt to show current Ruby version
Stephen Benner
1 response
ruby, shell, terminal, trick
Problems installing gems - "invalid option -2"
Andrew King
0 responses
ruby, bundler, gem, bundle
Automatically db:test:prepare
Paul Elliott
0 responses
ruby, rails, on
Mountain Lion, Ruby and RVM
Mickaël Rémond
0 responses
ruby, osx, mountain-lion
silence asset pipeline related noise in development env
Hasham Malik
0 responses
ruby, rails, logging
Numeric#divmod in Ruby
Qing Wang
0 responses
ruby, divmod
Install Ruby 2.0.0-rc1 with rbenv
Simon Gate
0 responses
ruby, rbenv
Simple way to pair up
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
ruby, agile, pair programming, git