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pETL - Pretty Good ETL Framework
Alexander Tamoykin
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Michal Papis
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CouchRest::Model views errors with RSpec
Luca Guidi
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Full backtrace for SystemStackError
Anton Kalyaev
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Vim: Jump to gem source while using Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
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Autocomplete twitter friends username
Sylvain Peigney
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Tired of restarting Sinatra
Junior Ales
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Error installing nokogiri on AWS
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(re) generating ctags to include bundled gems
Greg Osuri
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Pry is a better debugger for Ruby/Rails
Cory Simmons
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Ruby gsub with a hash or block
Amy Lai
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Ruroku, the better Ruby client for Heroku API
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10 methods hữu dụng trong ActiveRecord::Relation
Phương 'J' Lê H.
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Rails .save failing silently? Ruby's implicit returns may be your problem.
Jonathan Cutrell
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s3fs cookbook
Tom Wilson
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Conditional wrapper tag helper
Andrew Volozhanin
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Check whether a Facebook user is member of a group
Tamer Shlash
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RSpec + Carrierwave Controller test example
Luciano Sousa
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Install SWIG using Homebrew
Tu Hoang
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Installing dm-postgres-adapater with PostgreSQL 9.3 on Ubuntu
Leandro Guida
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Vim Mappings for a Ruby Style Guide
Dan Croak
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