Popular R Uby Programming Tips
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Abhishek Kumar
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ruby, shell, rails, code
From RVM to rbenv
Alexander Tamoykin
5 responses
ruby, rvm, rbenv
Ruby Maze Generator
Emad Elsaid
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Extra Info for setting up Rails Apps on Ninefold
Ritchie Young
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ruby, rails, hosting, paas
Cleansing Jekyll YAML Front Matter Dates
James Martin
1 response
ruby, jekyll, bash
Ruby, IRB and readline history
Richard Michael
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ruby, history, irb, readline
Minimal working setup Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin
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rails, activeadmin, ruby, devise
Logging exceptions on Sinatra
Gus Bonfant
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ruby, logging, sinatra
gem install nokogiri fails on Mac OS X....
Mikael Henriksson
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ruby, gem, nokogiri
Sending CSV attachments with lines longer than 990
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ruby, rails, csv, email attachments
Always install gems to vendor/bundler
Mateusz Lenik
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ruby, bundler, gems
Create a Game Instance in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
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ruby, rails, game
Rubymotion set iOS version and Retina
Faizaan Shamsi
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ruby, ios, rubymotion
Enable HTTPS on Pow
Luca Guidi
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ruby, pow, https, ssl
Convert Postgres tables to Ruby hashes
Jason Rogers
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ruby, hstore, postgresql
ChronoLogger logging is 1.5x faster than ruby's stdlib Logger
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rails, logger, ruby
Kickstart XING-API with oauth in Ruby
Stefan Wienert
1 response
ruby, oauth, xing
Get your name from the Unix passwd(5) database
Dan Croak
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ruby, unix
A list of useful gems for starting a new rails app
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God with Boot Order Dependencies
Robert Birch
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ruby, middleware, backend, servers
A very concise AWS S3 uploader example in Ruby
Daniel Sim
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ruby, s3, aws
Event Driven java and more - server, client, and Android
Alex Boyd
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ruby, python, android, vert.x
Switch 'rails console' to use Pry as REPL
Avner Cohen
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ruby, rails
Fastest way to get rails on OSX
Michal Papis
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ruby, rails, osx, apple