Newest Ios Programming Tips
Get uuid without iTunes or a Mac
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, ipad, iphone, uuid
Split build and code signing phases of iOS app
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, jenkins
Registering your app to be able to open images from other apps
2 responses
ruby, ruby motion, ios
Patching Mail controller on iOS
Andrej Mihajlov
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Hashbang Swift
Otavio Cordeiro
0 responses
apple, shebang, swift, xcrun
Use #defined values in Info.plist
Marco Del Tongo
2 responses
ios, xcode, facebook, plist
Read a file in Swift
1 response
Make an image centered and stretched in UIView
Nguyen Vu
0 responses
objective-c, xcode, ios 7
Start building mobile commerce apps for iOS using MobStac
Rahul Gulati
2 responses
ios, mobile, apps, magento
Swift: A simple "Hello, World" example with UIAlertView
Juan Fernández Sagasti
1 response
xcode, uialertview, swift, ios
Swift: The Optionals Heuristic
0 responses
A Swift and Objective-C App comparison
1 response
ios, objective-c, swift, ios8
Swift REPL in terminal
Michael Kohl
0 responses
terminal, ios, osx, swift
Custom transitions on iOS 7 & a little bit about UX
Andrej Mihajlov
4 responses
transitions, ios, objective-c
Hide SoftKeyboard when view disappear
La Le Phuc
0 responses
ios, xcode
What is the best OS for web development? (Community Protip)
Nicholas Jordon
13 responses
ruby, php, python, open source
F***ing Objective-C Block Syntax
Rudy Jahchan
0 responses
objective-c, blocks
Useful iOS development tools
Evgeny Karkan
2 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c
Hide the status bar in RubyMotion
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
ruby, ios, rubymotion
Variadic Functions in Objective-C
Alex Boyd
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Enable missing properties on CCBFiles with custom nodes in SpriteBuilder
Donald Ness
0 responses
ios, cocos2d, spritebuilder
Test for real-world network speeds
Héctor Gómez
0 responses
xcode, osx, test, mac
Cool ways to use C Preprocessor
0 responses
ios, preprocessor, macro, c