Newest Ios Programming Tips
iOS code for saving "Open In" file to Documents directory (and resolving duplicate filenames)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
ios, xcode, open in, appdelegate
My typical dev env - checklist
Robert Pataki
2 responses
ruby, bundler, xcode, osx
Inhibit warnings per pod, not all warnings
Victor Ilyukevich
0 responses
ios development, cocoapods, objective-c, podfile
Load JSON without AFNetworking
Robert Wünsch
0 responses
objective-c, afnetworking, nsurlconnection, nsjsonserialization
Finding a provisioning profile from its name
Daniel Green
0 responses
xcode, find, uuid, ios
Five steps to connect the UI component to code in XCode
Ken Lee
0 responses
ios, xcode, user interface
Storyboard/UIPageViewController resets subviews' positions
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
cocoa, ios, storyboard, objective-c
Dealing with iPhone's flaky personal hotspot
Raine Virta
1 response
wifi, tethering, personal hotspot, ios
How To Tell XCode Not To Run Your Main Target When Executing Your Tests
Dan Calinescu
0 responses
xcode, bdd, ios, unit-testing
iOS - Customizing back button of Navigation Controller
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objectivec
How to sort a NSArray of NSDictionaries by distance
Juan Fernández Sagasti
1 response
sorting, nsarray, ios, distance
Automatic code formatting in the ios/osx workflow
Dominik Pich
0 responses
ios, xcode, osx, formatting
iOS7.1 OTA installs got you down? This fixes it.
Ralph Caraveo
0 responses
ssl, deployment, ios, tls
Reduce XCode build times
Aurélien Lemesle
0 responses
xcode, os x
Running PSPDFKit's latest build with a local podspec
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
xcode, setup, cocoapods, pods
Update UILabel in SubViewController from MainViewController
Robert Wünsch
0 responses
cocoa, ios, objective-c
Redirect lldb output to Sublime Text
Zoreslav Khimich
0 responses
xcode, sublime, lldb
iPhone - How to Resign the Keyboard
Geek Mohammad
0 responses
objective-c, ios, xcode, iphone
iOS: Handling Pan Gestures Properly
Daniel Burke
2 responses
ios, ui, ux, gestures
Pull to Refresh with iOS 7 style cover image behind Navigation Bar
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
ios, pull-to-refresh, table-view, content inset
Fix hidden scrolls in select with jqtransform.js
Carlos Escobedo
0 responses
jquery, chrome, ios, jqtransform
Set CSS3 animation delay explicitly for Safari (mobile)
Sebastian Julius
0 responses
ios, mobile, css3, scss
Bash: Remove all those iOS @2x tags
0 responses
ios, ipad, iphone, 2x
UITextField text offset
Rudenko Michael
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Andy Obusek
0 responses