Popular Github Programming Tips
Merging a Pull Request Locally
Tim Berglund
0 responses
pull, request, oscon, git
Git: Disable Force Push
Ivan Sim
0 responses
git, ivanhcsim, github
Node.js + MongoDB = MongoJS
Bob Williams
0 responses
mongodb, nosql, javascript, nodejs
Some git basic commands
shiva kumar
0 responses
github, git, linux
Remove intellij folders from your GitHub REPO
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
1 response
intellij, git, remove, github
Automatically build and deploy Jekyll sites to heroku (from github)
7 responses
ruby, clojure, heroku, sinatra
Social Login Button for OAuth using ReactJS
0 responses
oauth, reactjs, javascript, social login
Working with 'npm test'
Norbert Eder
0 responses
travis, nodejs, github
How to globally gitignore .DS_Store
Ben Visser
0 responses
github, git, .ds_store
Java Auto Completion in Sublime Text
Matthew Zeman
0 responses
sublime, java, github
Filter commits by author on Github
Rômulo Machado
0 responses
filter, commits, github
Remove whitespace changes from diff in github
Sam Knight
0 responses
git, github
Reference Commits and Issues in GitHub
Chris Missal
0 responses
git, github
Quickly add a license to your GitHub repository
Gonçalo Morais
2 responses
haskell, repository, git, license
Handle a git merge conflict
Connor Leech
0 responses
git, github
git on Mountain Lion
Lars Schwegmann
3 responses
mountain, xcode, mac, lion
Github Atom Invites!
Rick Hanlon II
27 responses
beta, atom, invites, github
Use netrc to allow "go get" for private repos
0 responses
golang, github
Git Cheatsheet - Basic Functions
0 responses
git, github, snippits, cheatsheet
How to use the new Github
Craig Marvelley
18 responses
git, github
Implement Social Login Button for Any OAuth Provider Using Vue.js
0 responses
oauth, oauth2, javascript, vue
Adding a custom GitHub repo to your Laravel 4 project using Composer
Jason Au
0 responses
php, composer, git, laravel 4
Create Github repository with Shell Script
0 responses
shellscript, git, github
Regex to match GitHub’s Markdown code blocks
Gonçalo Morais
3 responses
regex, markdown, js, javascript