How to use the new Github
The new Github design has moved things around a bit. If you're a bit confused, here's a protip to get you productive and merging like a boss again.
The things that used to be on top are now on the side.
So if you can't find something, and it used to be on top, it's probably now on the side.
Written by Craig Marvelley
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18 Responses

Great tip! I rotated my monitor 90° thinking it was a problem with my setup. This makes a lot more sense.

Thanks Craig that's really useful, I've put together the following image to help remind myself when I get confused.

As to @rodnaph's example I now have a few red marker stripes over my screen.


I hate to post negative comments, but really? You guys are struggling with this?

Thanks to @rodnaph complex graphical clarification I was able to finally understand this protip!

Nice one Craig! it's been an unproductive 24 hours. All makes sense now.

Never crossed my mind to look on the right-hand side - same problem every time I do a Google search

Why not just forget about the past?

Anybody here coding on smartphone?

What's a git hub?

I'm currently coding in PHP, does this tip still apply if I were to start a Python or Javascript project?

Is this web scale?
@manuite I do, using teamviewer to connect to my dev machine. and yes, I know it's inconvenient at times.

@acemtrace That was a silly remark anyway ;-) I thought they did it for responsiveness but the site isn't even responsive... and the sidebar doesn't stay in focus...

It's easier to use if you tilt your head by 90 degrees to the right while using it.

haha nice one. I keep getting lost, I guess I'm used to useful things being on the top and left and advertisements and other irrelevant stuff on the right hand side.

Good one. I wonder how will Bitbucket respond to this redesign. Moving things to left side, probably!?