Newest G It Programming Tips
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git, tags, deploy, version
generating release notes from Git commits
Rob Friesel
0 responses
git, release notes
Git Time Savers
Rodolfo Novak
3 responses
zsh, cli, tricks, git
Looking for Pull Requests
Fernando Doglio
1 response
open-source, pull request, github
Changing line endings on Windows using Powershell and Git
0 responses
powershell, git
Schedule meetings like a boss
Lee Reilly
5 responses
scheduling, meetings, developer-happiness, github
Difference in git commits between branches
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git
Generate timesheet CSVs from git log
David Godfrey
0 responses
csv, git, bash
git rebase --autosquash
Ben Simpson
4 responses
rebase, squash, git, commits
Build Event : Publishing application details
Josh Gum
0 responses
git, visual studio, json, deployment
Fixing Xcode's template headers after git commit
0 responses
xcode, git
Finding commits since last release
Aaron Trevena
0 responses
open source, devops, git
How to know what branches are merged and not merged within the current branch
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
danielcsgomes, git, git merge
merge vs. rebase: choosing the right tool
Jan Krüger
2 responses
merge, rebase, pull, git
List / Read files in another git branch
0 responses
branch, git
Checkout last branch without writing the name.
Christopher Hein
2 responses
branches, alias, git, checkout
Setting git username and email
0 responses
git, things i always forget
OSX app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead you.
Nikita Fedyashev
0 responses
osx, mac, os x, github