Build Event : Publishing application details
When troubleshooting a web application or web services, few things are more annoying than not knowing exactly what code is running on the server.
My goals are
Automatically gather details and copy them to the server while publishing
Provide a list of files published which weren't committed to the repository prior to publishing (it can happen..)
Give the front-end access to these details in an easily consumable fashion
Use the basic building blocks that are inherent in Git and Windows (I don't want to spend a whole lot of time implementing some framework or server that handles this for me, yet)
My solution is a batch file executed by a Build Event in Visual Studio which uses Git commands to collect information and generate a JSON formatted file which can be accessed by my app from the web server.
The Batch file (preBuild.bat in my project folder):
@echo off
set PROJECTDIR=%1app
REM Clean out old minified CSS and JS for the app and build artifacts
del %PROJECTDIR%\UI\static\css\app.min.css
del %PROJECTDIR%\UI\static\js\app.min.js
del %PROJECTDIR%\MSBuildOutput.txt
REM Print details of the Git branch, and any uncommitted files that were published.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set FILENAME=%PROJECTDIR%\UI\static\js\published_revision.js
set GIT="c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe"
for /F %%n in ('%GIT% rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do set NAME=%%n
for /F %%h in ('%GIT% rev-parse HEAD') do set HASH=%%h
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set DATE=%%c-%%a-%%b)
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set TIME=%%a%%b)
echo { > %FILENAME%
echo "published":"%DATE%_%TIME%", >> %FILENAME%
echo "branch":"%NAME%", >> %FILENAME%
echo "hash":"%HASH%", >> %FILENAME%
echo "uncommitted": [>> %FILENAME%
REM On the first line, don't print a comma in the array.. all subsequent lines have a comma prepended
set LINENO=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%l in ('%GIT% diff --name-only %HASH%') do (
echo ,"%%l" >> %FILENAME%
) ELSE (
echo "%%l" >> %FILENAME%
set /a LINENO+=1
echo ]} >> %FILENAME%
exit 0
The Pre-Build Event:
$(SolutionDir)app\preBuild.bat $(SolutionDir)
An example of the JSON file:
"uncommitted": [