Popular Deployment Programming Tips
FTP is so 90's. Let's deploy via Git instead!
Kerrick Long
36 responses
ftp, deployment, git
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
34 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
Pass the database pwd to Rails with an environment variable
Felix Holmgren
2 responses
ruby, rails, apache, capistrano
Background daemons in your Rails app with the daemons gem
Jeroen Jacobs
4 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, deployment
doing an apt-get update in ansible only if a condition is met
Ali-Akber Saifee
1 response
python, deployment, ansible
Automatically build and deploy Jekyll sites to heroku (from github)
7 responses
ruby, clojure, heroku, sinatra
Take control of your Heroku Git repository
Dharampal H S
2 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, deployment
Set up your own Rails server in minutes with these recipes
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, unicorn
Force redeploy of Node.js project on Heroku
Vaughan Rouesnel
2 responses
heroku, deployment, nodejs
Redis install script for automatic deployments
Jorge Rodríguez
1 response
redis, deployment, amazon
Seed your production db with a capistrano one-liner
Lee Machin
1 response
ruby, capistrano, deployment, seed
Capistrano prompt for input or password
Denis Savitskiy
1 response
prompt, input, capistrano, deployment
Use multiple deployment SSH keys with GitHub
Michał Szajbe
2 responses
ssh, capistrano, deployment, git
Automated web site deployment (git+ftp inside)
2 responses
ftp, deployment, git, cheap
Deploying BitBucket Repos with Github for Windows to WebFaction
Cory Simmons
1 response
webfaction, deployment, bitbucket, git
Deploying Rails 3 apps to a subdirectory with the asset pipeline
David Somers
1 response
rails, capistrano, deployment
Deploy Static Website using Capistrano
Matthew Brown
0 responses
website, capistrano, deployment, static
Run your service forever (and more)
Christian Sturm
1 response
nodejs, workflow, deployment, coffeescript
Git and Grunt Deploy to Windows Azure
Jay Harris
0 responses
node, azure, deployment, grunt
The best git deployment method ever.
Adam Patterson
0 responses
php, deployment, git
Fix virtualenvwrapper to work with fabric
José Tomás Tocino
2 responses
python, django, deployment, virtualenv
Replacing Capistrano with Ansible
Ramon de la Fuente
0 responses
capistrano, deployment, capifony, ansible
Put seed DB data in a migration
Nick Matantsev
2 responses
deployment, data, seed, db
Detecting Rails migrations before you deploy
0 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Installing Copy.com on linux servers (headless linux) to simplify file transfer and deployment.
Akapo Damilola Francis
4 responses
shell, dropbox, vilgax321, copy
Recent Activity
Capistrano deploy lock
Lev Lukomsky
rails, deployment, capistrano
Tag deployments in git
Gleb Mazovetskiy
deployment, git
Set up capistrano deploy user on OS X
Jens Hausherr
ssh, os x, setup, capistrano
Tarball of files modified between two GIT commits
shell, git, deploy, deployment
Replacing Capistrano with Ansible
Ramon de la Fuente
capistrano, deployment, capifony, ansible
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