Newest Deployment Programming Tips
Capistrano deploy lock
Lev Lukomsky
1 response
rails, deployment, capistrano
Tag deployments in git
Gleb Mazovetskiy
0 responses
deployment, git
Set up capistrano deploy user on OS X
Jens Hausherr
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ssh, os x, setup, capistrano
Tarball of files modified between two GIT commits
0 responses
shell, git, deploy, deployment
Replacing Capistrano with Ansible
Ramon de la Fuente
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capistrano, deployment, capifony, ansible
Create a GitHub pull request after a successful Codeship build
Evan Sims
1 response
testing, pull request, deployment, codeship
Put seed DB data in a migration
Nick Matantsev
2 responses
deployment, data, seed, db
Continuous Integration Made Easy
Dal Rupnik
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ios, ci, deployment, testflight
Tip about MSSQL server, CLR-s deployment
Ezeki Zibzibadze
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clr, deployment, mssql
Tracking Deployments with Rollbar – Free Snippet
0 responses
open source, snippet, free, deployment
iOS7.1 OTA installs got you down? This fixes it.
Ralph Caraveo
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ssl, deployment, ios, tls
Fix virtualenvwrapper to work with fabric
José Tomás Tocino
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python, django, deployment, virtualenv
Deploying with confidence: a practical checklist
Giuliano Iacobelli
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jenkins, deploy, deployment, migrations
Easy deployment on Github pages with GruntJS
Vincenzo Ferrari
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deploy, deployment, grunt, nodejs
Git and Grunt Deploy to Windows Azure
Jay Harris
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node, azure, deployment, grunt
Automated web site deployment (git+ftp inside)
2 responses
ftp, deployment, git, cheap
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
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ruby, rails, linux, deployment
Custom git script for use with git based deployment
Jon Druse
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git, deployment, git workflow
ASP.NET MVC–Azure Websites and EF Model First Connection Strings when Deploying from Github
John Atten
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· mvc, deployment, entity framework, c#
Continuous Deployment to Nodejitsu
0 responses
testing, deployment, nodejs, nodejitsu
Putting everything together - Free tools for startups
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
startup, web development, deployment, integration
Run your service forever (and more)
Christian Sturm
1 response
nodejs, workflow, deployment, coffeescript
Efficiency in Development Workflows: Deployment Pipelines and Zero Downtime Deployment
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heroku, merge, migration, deployment
Deployment script for meteor app
Micha Roon
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shell script, deployment
Installing on linux servers (headless linux) to simplify file transfer and deployment.
Akapo Damilola Francis
4 responses
shell, dropbox, vilgax321, copy
Most Viewed This Month
FTP is so 90's. Let's deploy via Git instead!
Kerrick Long
ftp, deployment, git
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
Pass the database pwd to Rails with an environment variable
Felix Holmgren
ruby, rails, apache, capistrano
Background daemons in your Rails app with the daemons gem
Jeroen Jacobs
ruby, rails, capistrano, deployment
doing an apt-get update in ansible only if a condition is met
Ali-Akber Saifee
python, deployment, ansible
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