Newest G It Programming Tips
Get GitHub API oauth token with curl.
Jens Grassel
0 responses
shell, api, curl, oauth
git submodules recursively
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
terminal, command line, scm, git
Bypass post-commit hook temporarily
Alexey Alekhin
0 responses
hooks, post-commit, git
Enable colors in git console output
0 responses
console, terminal, git
favorite git command
Chungsub Kim
0 responses
git, command
Prune Dead Branches From Your Remotes
Daniel Miladinov
1 response
git, git remote
Figure out who to blame with git
Miles Matthias
1 response
git, code review, blame, show
Update your vim pathogen plugins.
Jens Grassel
9 responses
shell, vim, git, pathogen
git branch in bash
Emmanuel Bourgerie
0 responses
bash, git
Easily deploy to Github Pages
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
deploy, git, pages, github
Setting up a git daemon on Mac OS X
Jim Kinsey
0 responses
mac os x, git, launchd
Managing Nested Libraries Using the GIT Subtree Merge Workflow
John Atten
0 responses
workflow, git, subtree merge, sub-project
Current git branch
Alexey Alekhin
0 responses
git, shell
List git branches
Alexey Alekhin
0 responses
shell, git
Keep Pathogen bundles up to date with git
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, plugins, vcs, git
Use IntelliJ or WebStorm as your git diff tool (even on Windows)
Peter Flynn
5 responses
diff, intellij, git, webstorm
Add all modified files in git - the easy way
4 responses
git, git-add
Remove .gitignore'd files
1 response
Whitespace is useless!
David Kormushoff
1 response
diff, alias, command line, unix
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
Is Git too quiet? Make it talk!
Magnus Dahlstrand
0 responses
git, log, alias, fun
git = !git
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
shell, alias, lifehack, git
Running 'git status' across multiple repos
Dustin Haffner
0 responses
sh, command line, git
Using hub with GitHub Enterprise
Sonny Scroggin
0 responses
productivity, git, enterprise, hub