Newest G It Programming Tips
versioning Jenkins config
Goncalo Pereira
1 response
automation, jenkins, git
GitHub Diffs Without Whitespace
Bijan Vaez
0 responses
diff, whitespace, git, github
#protip `m` => GitHub Markdown Cheat Sheet
Simon Owen
0 responses
markdown, cheat, sheet, github
Better Git Diffs
0 responses
Squash your git commits for a clean history
Einar Jonsson
0 responses
history, rebase, git
Git status on all repos in folder
Willem van der Jagt
6 responses
shell, .bashrc, bashrc, git
Read your own pull requests
Paul Blundell
0 responses
pair programming, code review, version control, github
Generate a .gitignore file right from the command-line
Josh Buhler
4 responses
command-line, git
A git extension to manage .gitignore files
0 responses
gitignore, cli, git
Use .gitattributes to normalize line-endings
Scott Grogan
4 responses
git, teamwork
@wip tags and morality
Dominic Barker
0 responses
cucumber, bdd, git, source control
Testing heroku, it's super easy. A little expensive but is ok.
Julian Andres Cantillo
0 responses
python, heroku, cloud, amazon
How rebase a repo to a subtree and keep it in sync
0 responses
rebase, git, subtree
Git Internals
Haggai Philip Zagury
0 responses
git, git internals, dag
Setup Git, Gitweb with git-http-backend / smart http on ubuntu 12.04
Haggai Philip Zagury
0 responses
apache, git, smart http
Do or search?
Bruno Soulez
0 responses
github, code, search, stackoverflow
Git Fetch as alternative to Git Pull on shared hosting
Antonin Januska
3 responses
git, shared hosting, github
Setup git command line completion on OSX
P. Taylor Goetz
0 responses
command line, git
git: display all branches sorted by last change
oleksii iepishkin
0 responses
log, history, git, bash