How rebase a repo to a subtree and keep it in sync
I just ran into a little problem.
Working on a project embedding some foreign code, I created a repository to manage this code, as the lead developer didn't provide one.
The integration of the source was directly done at the root of the repository I made.
Later, the developer provided a public repository with just one little difference. All the code was lying in a subfolder.
Looking for a way to keep in sync my repository directly from his own, and as all git mechanisms I've found are only working with descendant subtree, I created the following script :
#! /bin/bash
# this script will help you to rebase a repository to a subtree of it
# check for provided directory
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Need the directory to get content rebased !"
exit 1
DIR=`echo $1 | sed 's/\/$//'`
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# check provided directory exists
if [ -z `git ls-tree master | grep -o $DIR` ]
echo "$DIR does not seem to exist on branch : $BRANCH !"
exit 1
# check for existing target branch
git show-ref --verify --quiet "refs/heads/$NEWBRANCH"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]
HASH="$(git rev-parse $BRANCH)"
# checkout the target tree in a new branch
git checkout -b $NEWBRANCH $HASH
# rebase the branch
git checkout $NEWBRANCH && git rebase -p $BRANCH
# check we are on the right branch
if [[ `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` == "$NEWBRANCH" ]]
FILTER="find $DIR/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -I{} -e mv {} . ; mv $DIR/* .; rmdir $DIR"
git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter "$FILTER" -- && git gc --aggressive
How to use
- copy & paste this code in a bash script, (don't forget to make it runnable).
- change directory to the cloned repository and checkout the branch you want to be the source
- run the script passing the folder to get the content at the root of a new branch
What this script does
It creates a new tree based on the folder subtree and publish it in a new branch named 'new-SOURCE_BRANCH-rebased' where SOURCE_BRANCH is the name of the branch you were before running this script.
Then it rebases all original log information to keep consistency.
If you run this script a second time from the source branch, it will update the target branch.
EDIT : the last version of this script is available on github here :
Written by eviweb
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