Newest G It Programming Tips
Add some git powered muscle to your project I
Rob Jens
0 responses
diff, vim, source, management
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
Easily create blog post excerpts for Jekyll and Github Pages
Garrett Miller
0 responses
blog, jekyll, github
My default .gitignore
Francesco Napoletano
0 responses
gitignore, git
git diff MS Word
Olexandr Shalakhin
0 responses
diff, git, word
Syncing a fork
Janderson F.Cardoso
0 responses
git, github
Git bisect to find a bug
Alex Soto
2 responses
open source, bugs, git, git bisect
What has changed since the last deploy of a Rails app?
Marcin Kulik
0 responses
rails, git, capistrano
Make life faster - one letter aliases
Łukasz Niemier
2 responses
shell, aliases, git, life hack
Git commit message & Redmine
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
2 responses
commit message, git hook, git, redmine
Easily save a Sublime Text 2 project
Jelle Vandebeeck
0 responses
github, sublime, project, stprojectmaker
local config changes
Duarte Henriques
0 responses
rails, scm, git
Clone Specific Branch and Rename Remote
Jesse O'Brien
0 responses
branch, remote, git
Amend a Git Commit
Robbie Pitts
0 responses
shell, git
Ultra fast git commit
Marin Usalj
0 responses
shell, zsh, mneorr, git