Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· jonnyjava

[GIT] count the number of commits and modified files in a branch

If you want to know how many files have you changed in a branch type:
git checkout branchname```

git whatchanged master.. --format=oneline | wc -l

This is the union of two commands:

git rev-list master..
which returns the list of the commits since the branch diverged from master
git whatchanged -any number--format=oneline
which returns the list of changed files

| wc -l added to any command, count the number of output lines

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This will count the line(s) displaying the commit ID along with the commit message. To exclude those lines and count only the lines describing changes, do the following:

git whatchanged master.. --format=oneline | grep "^:" | wc -l

Piping to grep "^:" will select the lines beginning with the colon, which are all file modifications.

over 1 year ago ·