Newest G It Programming Tips
Open repo's github page from cli
Yanick Champoux
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git, perl, github
Show current Git branch in bash prompt
James Acklin
0 responses
bash, git, dotfiles
How to remove git submodules
Oscar Cubo Medina
0 responses
git, submodules, deinit
Did you know about git bisect?
Waldyr Guimarães Araújo de Souza
0 responses
productivity, git, bugtracker
Remove cached files from git repositories
Alex Cristea
0 responses
git, git rm
Get the loc by each filetype in a git repo
Tim Anema
0 responses
git, xargs, bash
Create a Github repository right from the command-line
0 responses
github, git, productivity
Github Markdown Images
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, markdown, github
angularjs html5Mode on github pages
Chia-liang Kao
2 responses
html5, pushstate, angularjs, github
Prepare Github account for development @FlatStack
Timur Vafin
0 responses
git, flatstack, github
Dry run in Git
Erik van Nieuwburg
0 responses
command, vcs, git
A vim plugin that shows changes since last git commit
Anthony Hall
0 responses
vim, debugging, git
Simple workflow to keep forked Git repos up to date
Rob Wierzbowski
0 responses
github, git, command line, open source
How to Worry About a Clean Git History
Matt Hayes
0 responses
rebase, git, clean history, controversial
(In Portuguese) Github - Escrevendo código e compartilhando conhecimento
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
git, hotspot, github
(In portuguese) git --controle-de-versão-rápido
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
slideshare, git, hotspot, controle de versao
bash esc + .
Jason Lotito
0 responses