Git - Error: pathspec 'develop' did not match any file(s) known to git.
Ever get this message when you are certain that the branch you are trying to pull exists? Even after you do a fetch, git pull origin develop just doesn't work?
Well first do:
git show-ref
This shows all of the branches you have references to. If you see the one you are trying to pull in this list do the following command:
git checkout -t -b develop origin/develop
This will successfully create a new branch on your local and fill it with all the stuff in the origin.
Written by Antony D'Andrea
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4 Responses

I have resolved the issue as follow
git checkout develop
Error: pathspec 'develop' did not match any file(s) known to git
(Develop is branch name)
git show-ref
This will show the SHA ID of all the branchs including develop
cat .git/refs/head/develop
In my case the SHA ID in refs/head/develop didnt match with the git show-ref results.
echo XXXXXXX(SHA ID) > .git/refs/head/develop
solved the issue.
Do you know why just plain "git checkout feature/branch_name" doesnt work?

I think this error typically happens when there's either no matching branch_name
in your locally fetched repos, OR there's multiple clones of the branch, so git
doesn't know which you're trying to checkout on the initial branch creation.
So a slight mod to the tip is:
git checkout -t -b develop origin/develop
The origin/develop
is the starting point for the newly created branch, so you could do any such examples:
git checkout -t -b develop another_repo/develop
@coderp Thx man, it's working for me