Joined November 2012
Clean git repository of untracked files
Alex Cristea
0 responses
git, clean git, remove untracked files
iOS Crash Reports 101
Alex Cristea
0 responses
ios development, crash reports, crash logs, error logs
Swap two variables values
Alex Cristea
0 responses
variables, value swap
iOS Design Cheat Sheet
Alex Cristea
0 responses
ios, ios design, design cheat sheet
Remove cached files from git repositories
Alex Cristea
0 responses
git, git rm
MySQL: Using IF in a WHERE clause
Alex Cristea
2 responses
mysql, if statement
Robots.txt for HTTPS requests
Alex Cristea
0 responses
https, .htaccess, robots.txt
Did your mobile app crash successfully?
Alex Cristea
0 responses
ios development, crash reports, crash logs, error logs
To test or not to test?
Alex Cristea
0 responses
unit testing, private method, clean code
iOS6 Penetration percentage
Alex Cristea
0 responses
ios, ios6
Use git flow model
Alex Cristea
0 responses
git-flow, git
250 Karma
45,423 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where Objective-C is the dominant language