Popular Github Programming Tips
git push origin branchname
0 responses
git, github
DVCS fubar #1 - not using SSH protocol to push
John Stevenson
2 responses
dvcs, github
New git and heroku remotes in a few commands
Kerry Snyder
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github, heroku, git, deploy
Matt McCray
0 responses
ruby, static cms, github
Creating pull request with hub pull-request CLI
Wojtek Ryrych
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git, github
How GitHub Ship Continuously
Ivan Sim
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git, ivanhcsim, continousdelivery, github
A .travis.yml for Symfony2 Bundle
Edoardo Rivello
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test, travis, github
The reusable Django application for Telegram authorization (also known as Telegram login).
0 responses
python, django, open source, github
Contributing to PIMF micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, micro, framework, fork
Looking for Pull Requests
Fernando Doglio
1 response
open-source, pull request, github
Strategy for selecting NodeJS module
Avner Cohen
0 responses
nodejs, npm, javascript, github
"Quiet assets" turn off assets pipeline trash log.
Dmitry Karpunin
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log, gem, assets, ror
Atom.io download no invitation needed
Jichao Ouyang
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atom, atom.io, github
Justin Seiter
0 responses
gist, git, github
Postage - a RabbitMQ-based Component Python Library
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, rabbitmq, concurrent programming, github
Rapid Prototyping For Simple SaaS Apps at Zero Cost
Nick Boucart
0 responses
heroku, prototyping, javascript, github
Easily deploy to Github Pages
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
deploy, git, pages, github
My user page on GitHub
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
source, open, page, projects
Check out GitHub repos with a "github:" URL
Lawrence Leonard "Larry" Gilbert
1 response
hacks, git, github
Hit t in github for a pleasant surprise
Damon Aw
0 responses
navigation, github
Kanban + github
Javier Cervantes
0 responses
git, kanban, github
Faster install of Python dependencies
Rodrigo Chacon
0 responses
python, pip, zip, git
(In Portuguese) Github - Escrevendo código e compartilhando conhecimento
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
git, hotspot, github
Integrating your GitHub project into Jenkins
Jürgen Hermann
0 responses
tools, workflow, jenkins, how.to