New git and heroku remotes in a few commands
Piece o' cake
I've googled these commands too many times.
When setting up a new repo which you will want to deploy to *
, it's nice to set up a github remote and a heroku remote without having to click around a bunch. Here's how I go about it today:
First go to your github page and make/name a new repo. Then:
git init
git add .
git commit -am "first firetrucking commit; this is all the juice you commit-message-reading rapscallion"
git remote add origin <url of new git repo>
e.g., "" git push -u origin master
heroku create
heroku git:remote -a <heroku-app-name>
This will work nicely if you have all the permissions/security figured out with github and heroku already. If you don't, you will undoubtedly choke on errors.
Should you encounter permission problems I refer you to:
- Create a Github repo
- Deploy a git repo to Heroku
- And stackoverflow and google.
Written by Kerry Snyder
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