Popular Front End Programming Tips
Django + Tastypie + Backbone.js = TastyBackbonePie
Silvan Spross
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django, tastypie, javascript, backbone.js
Passwordless Signup and Login Forms Using 2FA Phone Number Verification
2 responses
javascript, phone number verification, passwordless login, passwordless signup
Basic Caching Strategy Javascript Class
Julian Lannigan
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amd, requirejs, caching, class
Bootstrap Carousels
Carol Skelly
1 response
css, bootstrap, front-end, carousel
Detect a touch device with a single line of JavaScript
Robert Fleischmann
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mobile, snippet, javascript
FadeIn Words Randomly - jQuery
Joanna Ong
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random, jquery, fadein, words
Dojo: Level Up Your Communication Skill!
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php, python, dojo, java
Iterate through lines of files with Node.js
Koen Bollen
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io, nodejs, file, npm
Retrieve property in nested objects by Index
Josey Morton
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js, object, javascript, prototypes
Create instantly-resolved jQuery.Deferred objects
Stephen Greatrex
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jquery, javascript, promise, deferred
Animating anything with jQuery
Franco Bouly
1 response
jquery, js, animation, animate
Enable dynamic sorting in Ember-Table
Aaron Spiegel
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ember.js, javascript, ember-table
Become a polyglot
Alexander Brevig
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prolog, templates, csharp, programming
Deploy your AngularJS app to AWS S3 with SSL
Esteban Pintos
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s3, frontend, https, ssl
Simple JavaScript detection for your CSS
Adam Avramov
3 responses
css, html, javascript, noscript
Sentence case filter for AngularJS.
Benjamin Charity
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coffeescript, filter, javascript, angularjs
JavaScript code organization
Alexey Raspopov
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code style, kiss, javascript
Introducing RequireJS for ASP.NET MVC
Stefan Prodan
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csharp, asp.net mvc, requirejs, javascript
Drag-and-Drop in Webix UI
Veronika Lindorenko
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html5, javascript, ui, webix
Responsively retrofitting an existing site with RWD Retrofit
Matt Stow
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responsive design, mobile, rwd, javascript
Example of using Algolia search with Angular.js
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js, angular, algolia
Sort optionlist alphabetically $Plugin
Ion D. Filho
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.net, js, jquery, javascript
Sails.js - REST API in few keystrokes*
Gregor Elke
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mvc, nodejs, rest, javascript
Go home Javascript Date, you are drunk
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