Popular Front End Programming Tips
Ionic examples
Steven Iseki
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mobile, phonegap, javascript, ionic
Extend your Backbone View with some helpful methods
2 responses
javascript, backbone.js
Debugging Knockout Model Bindings
Steve Duitsman
0 responses
knockoutjs, javascript
Use jshint with node.js
Nicolas Briemant
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nodejs, jshint, javascript
Testing window.location with capybara
Fabrizio Regini
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cucumber, testing, backbone, javascript
Javascript string endsWith()
Matthew Brown
0 responses
string, underscore, array, javascript
A jQuery plugin to use animate.css with callbacks
Craig Dennis
0 responses
callback, plugin, animate.css, jquery
Easy command line parsing with Node.js
0 responses
node, command line, cli, javascript
Calling Google Maps with Javascript and CSS
Max Brockman
0 responses
css, blog, css3, js
Lazy-loading tooltips (twitter bootstrap)
0 responses
twitter bootstrap, javascript
Log Javascript Error in Elmah - AngularJs
1 response
javascript, angularjs, elmah, exceptionhandling
Skipping routes in express
Adam Blackburn
0 responses
nodejs, express, javascript
Simplest requirejs jQuery.noConflict() wrapper
Flurin Egger
0 responses
amd, requirejs, javascript
A D3.js, Backbone.js based Graphite Dashboard Toolkit.
Deden Fathurahman
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visualization, javascript, chart, chartgasm
Detect unused variables with JsHint
José F. Romaniello
1 response
node, jshint, javascript, jslint
Text with photo mosaic background CSS JS
Dustin Smith
0 responses
css, js, css3, mosaic
Simple expandable data grid from HTML table
Soumadri Roy Chowdhury
0 responses
jquery, html table
cloudflare + require.js = : (
Jeff Escalante
1 response
cloudflare, requirejs, javascript, require.js
Show node.js dates/times in the user's timezone in a human friendly format (e.g. 'last Friday at 3:52 PM')
Chris Bumgardner
0 responses
nodejs, time, date, timezone
5 Common CSS mistakes developers make
0 responses
php, programming, wordpress, laravel
Which sorting algorithm Array.sort use?
Afshin Mehrabani
1 response
sorting, algorithm, javascript
Nice surprises in Dart M1
Eran Medan
1 response
dart, javascript
All about Javascript memory Management
0 responses
javascript, reactjs, angular, vuejs
Display social-network activity using jQuery
Pavel Kucherbaev
0 responses
jquery, open source, javascript, social feed
JQuery Multiple AJAX Calls Using when/then
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ivanhcsim, jquery