Popular Emacs Programming Tips
Use magit-ediff to resolve merge conflicts
Leonardo Etcheverry
3 responses
emacs, magit, git
Turn textareas into a mini Vim or Emacs
Benjamin Harris
1 response
emacs, vim, browser, editor
Beautify JSON in Emacs
Stefan Arentz
3 responses
emacs, json
Nice Emacs go-mode indenting and autoformat
Erik Allik
2 responses
emacs, editor, formatting, golang
Compile Emacs 24.2 on Raspberry Pi (Rasbian)
Jim Myhrberg
3 responses
emacs, compile, build, raspberry pi
Using Facebook Chat in Emacs
David Gomes
3 responses
configuration, emacs, facebook, elisp
LiveCode Node.JS Apps
Ethan Winn
0 responses
nodejs, emacs, javascript
For beginners: Get Emacs with Clojure up and running!
Daniel Ziltener
0 responses
clojure, emacs
My Emacs Scala Development Environment
0 responses
scala, emacs
Emacs, SBCL and SLIME
Fabio Mancinelli
0 responses
emacs, sbcl, note to self, slime
Changing the diff-mode colors in Emacs
Lincoln de Sousa
0 responses
diff, emacs
emacs + ENSIME for your scala coding
James Wu
3 responses
scala, emacs, sbt, ensime
json format script by Emacs Lisp
0 responses
emacs, json
Google Talk inside Emacs
Alexander Tamoykin
3 responses
emacs, lisp, google talk, jabber.el
Why do we still need Evernote since there is awesome gist.github.com
Jichao Ouyang
1 response
emacs, gist, evernote, atom
Many editors, many developers, one convention.
Alif Rachmawadi
3 responses
emacs, vim, sublimetext, textmate
OS X: Systemwide VIM Bindings
Luis Nell
0 responses
cocoa, emacs, osx, vim
Emacs Daemon MacOSX Workflow
Michael Gile
1 response
daemon, emacs, mac
Push feature branch to remote master from Magit
Leonardo Etcheverry
0 responses
emacs, magit, git
Emacs: Semi-automatic alignment of symbol: value pairs in Ruby and CoffeeScript
David Leal
0 responses
ruby, emacs, coffeescript, alignment
Change font-size in emacs dynamically based on screen resolution
Arnab Deka
0 responses
emacs, font, screen-resolution
Colorize your ansi escape sequences within Emacs
samuel tonini
1 response
emacs, ansi
Zsh copy & paste system wide for OS X, like in emacs
Dmitry Yakimov
0 responses
zsh, emacs, osx
Clojurescript repl in emacs
Pierre Larochelle
3 responses
emacs, clojurescript
Git commits from Emacs
Pierre Larochelle
1 response
emacs, git