Popular Bash Programming Tips
Easy Bash/ZSH Movement in Mac OS X Terminal
Jasdeep Singh
0 responses
zsh, bash, command line editing
Tmux : Named sessions with autocomplete
0 responses
shell, zsh, tmux, screen
SSH Sock Proxy
Lars Van Casteren
0 responses
bash, ssh, tunnel, socks5
Hide iTerm2 from OS X’s dock
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
console, terminal, osx, dropdown
Check if given executable exists (all shells)
Adam Stankiewicz
3 responses
zsh, unix, ksh, bash
OSX Influenced bash aliases
Austin Turnage
8 responses
rails, aliases, osx, bash
Sed recursively with the help of ack and xargs
Mario Bonales
1 response
shell, sed, unix, bash
pre-commit hooks
Angel Botto
0 responses
ruby, rails, hook, git
Sudo-aware shell prompt
Vasili Sviridov
3 responses
sudo, prompt, ps1, bash
Quick show/hide hidden file in Mac OS X
2 responses
macosx, bashrc, bash
Check for PHP syntax errors before Git commit
Baki Goxhaj
0 responses
php, terminal, git, bash
Use bash auto completion support to increase your productivity
Bastian Spanneberg
2 responses
shell, productivity, gradle, bash
Pimp your bash with menu-completion
0 responses
iterm, iterm2, bash, inputrc
Limit scp bandwidth usage
Diego Sapriza
0 responses
linux, scp, bandwidth, bash
Copy working directory to clipboard from command line in Ubuntu
0 responses
terminal, linux, clipboard, copy
Manage multiple node versions with nodenv
Will McKenzie
0 responses
shell, zsh, node, unix
Force UTF-8 encoding for all Ruby 1.9 stuff
Bartłomiej Danek
2 responses
ruby, shell, zsh, bash
Getting weather via the command line
Daniel Pepin
0 responses
php, script, api, weather
Secure password encryption in Maven
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, maven, password, encryption
Speed up your terminal (OSX)
Landon Noss
1 response
zsh, terminal, osx, bash
Retrieving ssh public key from a .pem file
Francis San Juan
0 responses
ssh, keys, bash
Compress the cd, ls -la series of commands
Jude Robinson
3 responses
shell, cli, unix, bash
SHELL: Easily loop on line break separated items
Thomas DE BONA
6 responses
shell, zsh, bash
Put your .dot files in a repository
Tim Heap
0 responses
shell, vim, dot files, git