Popular Bash Programming Tips
rake-jekyll-grunt a rakefile for Jekyll with Grunt
Jupiter St John
0 responses
ruby, shell, compass, grunt
Quickly Email File From Shell
Dan Getelman
3 responses
shell, zsh, linux, bash
Utilize bash and expect for e.g. ssh stuff
Gerrit Meier
0 responses
shell, expect, bash
SVG to PNG in multiple sizes and colors
Richard Lyon
1 response
shell, sh, svg, png
The bang operator
Chip Castle
0 responses
osx, apple, screencast, history
Debian-like init.d script for Unicorn
Bruno Coimbra
0 responses
shell, rails, unicorn, init.d
Make ls list directories first
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, osx, bash
OSX .bashrc and .bash_profile
Felipe Brandão
3 responses
osx, linux, mac, bash
Decrypt and Open Encrypted File into Vim
Jason Seney
0 responses
shell, security, vim, encryption
*nix Cheatsheet
0 responses
zsh, sh, bash, echo
iTerm2: Open Text File Paths in Sublime Text with Jump to Line Number
James Cuzella
0 responses
osx, sublime text, iterm, terminal
Arduino not connected to serial port, under Linux
0 responses
shell, arduino, config, linux
Find recursively and sort by last modified
Ivan Zarea
0 responses
shell, vim, tip, bash
Automagically connect to a Screen session when SSH'ing in a remote server
Christos Delivorias
0 responses
osx, linux, ssh, screen
Prettify JSON in the command line with Ruby
0 responses
ruby, json, bash
Running modified specs with git
Alvaro Fernando Lara
3 responses
ruby, tests, bash, rspec
Painless Vagrant Provisioning with HereDocs and bash
Rui Carmo
0 responses
shell, vagrant, fabric, python
Clean up a messy git repo!
Andrew Theken
2 responses
protip, git, bash
Share your screen by read-only ssh on GNU/Linux
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
0 responses
linux, ssh, screen, bash
SMPTE color bars
Ben Doerr
0 responses
shell, bash
Command line tool alternative to curl for toying with APIs
Christoph Lühr
0 responses
cli, http, curl, json
Automatically define JAVA_HOME in bash script
0 responses
shell, java, bash
Dealing with process hierarchy
Nicolas Chambrier
1 response
shell, bash
Turnip Helper
Ryland Herrick
2 responses
ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip
Backup Remote SVN Repositories
Robert Bousquet
0 responses
backup, svn, svnadmin, svnsync