SVG to PNG in multiple sizes and colors
I needed to use an icon set (Entypo) that was only provided itself as SVG files, and I needed to have multiple sizes and colors available. So I wrote a script to convert them, with color name aliases!
A few notes on the implementation, to explain the slightly odd flow:
1. the colors have aliases (eg #33b5e3 is "holo")
2. everything is checked for existence first, so adding a color will only generate the files required (faster!)
3. it generates a large (1024x1024) version of the image, because colorization removes antialiasing. This is downscaled for supersampled antialiasing.
To use it, customise the sizes, colors, and aliases at the top of the script, add the +x flag, and run it in the folder containing the SVG files:
sizes="16 24 32 64 128 256"
colors=("#000" "#33b5e3" "#808080")
names=("black" "holo" "grey")
for i in `seq 1 $count` ; do
name=${names[i - 1]}
if [ ! -d pngs/$name ] ; then
mkdir pngs/$name
for size in $sizes ; do
if [ ! -d pngs/$name/$size ] ; then
mkdir pngs/$name/$size
for svg in `ls *svg` ; do
png=`echo $svg | sed s/.svg/.png/`
for i in `seq 1 $count` ; do
color=${colors[i - 1]}
name=${names[i - 1]}
# export a massive one in this color...
if [ ! -f $big ] ; then
convert -depth 16 -background transparent -fill $color -colorize 100% -resize 1024x1024 $svg $big
for size in $sizes ; do
if [ ! -f $this ] ; then
convert $big -resize $size"x"$size $this
echo "Converted $svg > $png"
Written by Richard Lyon
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1 Response
Hi Richard,
Thank you for this code, it looks like it fits perfectly for my need. However for now I don't understand how to use it :(
Does this trick has to be used with ImageMagick?